What else do I want to reveal about myself? I am the sixth of seven children and the fourth of five boys born in the mid-fifties. I guess that would mean that I am a child of the 1960’s and 70’s. My mother was a full-time homemaker and up until my mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor when I was 17, I can’t remember a time when my Dad didn’t have at least two jobs.
I am a United States Marine, having served from 1974 to 1978.
Next month Janice and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary.
I am in my 15th year with my current employer. Prior to this job I spent 11 years with Eastman Kodak/Sterling Drug. The reason for the slash between Kodak and
I was raised in the Methodist tradition and still attend a Methodist church. Well, attend is probably not a strong enough word. I am a member, but more than that too. I am currently the chair of the church council and prior to that I was a member of the Staff Parish Relations Committee. SPRC is the committee that is responsible for the hiring and firing of the church’s staff. I am a liturgist and also a member of the church’s chancel choir and Men’s Ensemble. With all of that on my “religious resume” you might think I’m some type of Holy Roller. Well nothing could be further from the truth. I can party with most anybody and cuss you out like a drill instructor. Does this make me a hypocrite? In the eyes of some I would imagine yes. But, I’m reminded of one of my pastors who greeted the congregation with “Good morning saints.” which followed immediately by “Good morning sinners.” In both instances he was greeting everyone, including and especially me, as we all fall short in the eyes of God. I am not hesitant to talk about my faith,but as Paul taught us, we all have differnt gifts and mine is not being an evangelist.
Politically I am conservative, but being the father of an autistic child I am fully aware of the dire need for social programs. My problem with the social services now provided by all levels of government is the terrible job they all do. The number one problem I have with them is the recipients that shouldn’t be receiving benefits. I’m talking about those that are able mind and body to work but that play the system and the encouragement they receive to do just that. It’s mind boggling the amount of money that is wasted because of this. I am a believer in teaching people to fish instead of giving fish to them. Obviously, or maybe not so obviously, I don’t believe that those that are truly unable to fish, whether for physical or mental reasons or both, should be required to learn how to fish.
Sports-wise I love the four major sports popular in the
Well I’ve rambled on enough, or maybe more than enough, for one blog entry so I’ll end here. Feel free to leave a comment, or don’t. If you do, I’ll read it. If you don’t then I won’t know what you think, but that’s OK too, since this blog is about my thoughts. ;-)
Yeah! Mark! I'm glad I'm really inspiring and not just a crazy grief stricken nut job :D I look forward to reading more!